Message of Hope
As we embark upon a new year, lets us take time to give thanks. Let us thank God for allowing us to see another year. Let us thank God for life, health and strength. Let us thank God for wisdom and courage to fight what seems like an endless battle. Remember family, we are never alone. Jesus walks with us every step of the way. We get caught up in some very mundane things in this life that can distract us…that can keep us from going to the quiet place to commune with our Heavenly Father. Let us remember that God left his holy word to guide us and give us what we need from day to day.
When we pray Psalms 91, we begin to activate the words of God. It’s simple, but powerful. The tongue is indeed more powerful than the sword. No matter how far you have strayed away from the word of God, he will make your crooked path straight. You can be zealous in the Lord, no matter what is going on in this world. Let us anoint our eyes so we won’t fall into the delusion that the enemy places in the world. Let us keep our eyes in the word. It will help us see what God wants us to see. He will always continue to give us opportunities to keep us in his presence. The more we stay in his word, the more courageous we will be. We will have better discernment. We are all on a a path to righteousness when we follow Gods word. Bravery is when you do what God calls you to do even when you are a little nervous. Let us use his holy word to help us over that hump. It will give us boldness and confidence to live his word. Let us not fall victim to what the enemy has planned. The word will give us patience, perseverance and protection. Before we start this year out asking, lets thank Jesus for all he has done already. Lets thank him for the blood he shed for us all to be saved from sin. God loves us all!